Hospice Care

Veterinary hospice is a family-centered, medically supervised, and team-oriented service dedicated to maintain comfort and quality of life for the terminally ill or geriatric pet until natural death occurs or the family elects euthanasia. We feel like God has specifically called us to embrace end of life care at Crossgates Veterinary Clinic.

Modeled originally from human hospice, this specific type of veterinary care is focused on the comfort of your pet, not at finding a cure for his or her disease. It is important to note that veterinary hospice does not include any diagnostic or blood-work services. Our goal is to focus on comfort and maintain the human-animal bond.

End of life care is very important to us. The veterinarians at CVC specifically feel as though this is an important part of veterinary care that we should focus on. Those of you who have entrusted us in your pet's hospice care are truly important to us.

Contact Us

Crossgates Veterinary Clinic
5544 Highway 80 East
Pearl, Mississippi 39208